Sunday, March 02, 2008

Morning Story

I don’t know why, this morning when I watched television and hear the new song of The Rock, I’m in tears. Song title is “Antara Kau, dia, dan Aku” . Hopefully it’s song title correctness. I’m Telling this not because the news from infotainment but I think this song he’s (dani) dedicated to his wife Maia. As a woman, that’s lyric makes me sad.

1 comment:

Elsa said...

hhm.... lagu itu kan diciptakan lama sebelum merebaknya kisah Maia Dhani sekarang ini. itu kan lagunya Dhani waktu masih pake Ahmad Band? iya kan?
tapi idem sama kamu. kalo digituin sama suami/pasangan.. duh, gak kuat deh ya?